Our Top Products to Make Daily Life Easier

Our Top Products to Make Daily Life Easier

Being able to carry out tasks associated with daily living, such as washing yourself, dressing, and keeping your home clean and tidy, is important for maintaining your independence as you age. And while these activities are crucial for daily life in and of themselves, staying independent also offers a huge boost to your self-esteem and sense of self-reliance. 

If you suffer from a health condition or experience mobility issues, certain daily tasks may prove more difficult than they used to be. That’s where Wellwise by Shoppers™ comes in. We offer a wide range of products that help make daily living easier. Read on for our top picks!


If you struggle bending over or reaching up high to pick things up, or if you find it hard to grip items, then a reacher could be a useful tool for you. With an ergonomically designed handle, they’re able to pick up a wide variety of items, from tiny coins to larger bottles and jars. Discover our range of reachers on the Wellwise by Shoppers™ website.

Dressing and Grooming Aids

Being able to manage your own intimate care is a key part of independent living and maintaining a sense of dignity. However, certain body parts might be harder to reach than others. That’s where dressing and grooming aids come in. These include products such as sock aids and shoe horns for those who find it difficult to reach their feet. Slippers are available that feature wider openings, so you can easily slide your feet in to keep warm and protect yourself from slips and falls. Long-handled bath sponges are also a useful tool, as they help you wash hard-to-reach places such as your back and between your toes. Browse the range of dressing and grooming aids on our website to find out more. 

Furniture Protection

If you or a loved one struggle with incontinence, leaks can make it difficult to keep your furniture clean and dry, as well as being a source of embarrassment. Absorbent pads can offer a discrete and hygienic way to protect your furniture. Available in a wide variety of absorbencies and sizes, Wellwise by Shoppers™ offers a range of furniture protection suitable for chairs, sofas, and beds.

Hearing Amplifiers

If you have trouble hearing, daily activities, such as answering the phone, watching TV, and socializing can become more difficult. If this sounds like you or a loved one, a hearing amplifier may help. These are discreet devices that clearly and easily amplify sounds for better understanding. You can check out our range of hearing devices on our website.

Emergency Aids

Knowing that help is on hand if needed can give you the confidence to continue living independently. An emergency aid can help you get help in case of a fall or accident. At Wellwise by Shoppers™, we offer a range of emergency aids that include door sensors, motion sensors, and pendant alarms, that can alert a trusted loved one in an emergency.

Maintaining your independence as you age can do wonders for your self-esteem and overall well being. If you start to struggle with daily tasks, you might think that you’ll no longer be able to live independently. However, there are many handy products out there that can help. You can browse the entire range on the Wellwise by Shoppers™ website.



The information presented in this blog post is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information in this post as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for professional counseling care. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.

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